Commitments, positions and targets
Climate and carbon
Commitment/Policy/Position | Target |
Environmental guideline | ./. |
Science based Climate protection target |
Reduction of scope 1 and scope 2 CO2 emissions by 60% per square metre selling and delivery space by 2030 compared to 2011. Becoming climate neutral by 2040. Reduction of absolute Scope 3 CO2 emissions (supply chain) by 15% by 2030 compared to 2018.
Water Protection Target |
Water consumption decreased by 3.1% compared to the previous year. Overall, we have already met our target of saving 5% water compared to 2016/17. METRO has therefore set itself a new water savings target in fiscal year 2021/22: Reduction of the specific water consumption by 10% in our own operations per square metre of net operating area by 2030 compared to the base year 2020/21. |
Reduction of CO2 in own operations
Commitment/Policy/Position | Target |
EV100 initiative commitment |
Expansion of charging infrastructure, including the parking lots of local METRO stores to 1,000 charging points till 2030. Promotion of electric mobility in METRO’s own fleet of vehicles to reach nearly 100% availability of electrical or high-quality hybrid vehicles by 2030. |
Low carbon food system
Commitment/Policy/Position | Target |
CGF Commitment on Food waste | METRO wants to reduce food waste in our own operations (stores and warehouses) by 50% per cent by 2025. We have committed to achieving this in a resolution of the Consumer Goods Forum. |
WRI 10x20x30 Commitment: Champion 12.3 – 10x20x30 initiative on Food waste | METRO to work together with WRI (World Resources institute) and engage 20 of its suppliers to commit to halving their food waste by 2030 in line with SGD 12.3. |
METRO Packaging Policy with regards to own brand products |
Single Use Plastic Policy | |
Soy Procurement Policy with regards to own brand products | |
Palm oil Procurement Policy with regards to own brand products | Target: 100% sustainable palm oil on RSPO level Segregated or Identity Preserved until 2023 in METRO’s own brand products |
Paper and Wood (P&W) Procurement Policy with regards to own brand products |
For assessing compliance the following shall apply:
P&W Policy was updated in Nov. 2021. In the previous version, our target was 2020 or 2023 for challenging markets. However, most markets (apart from TR and KZ who achieved 100% rate) did not manage to achieve the target. Therefore, we have now revised the target to 100% for all countries to 2023. The Social Compliance target in the P&W Policy has also been reviewed and revised to 2030 to align with the overarching METRO AG target.
Meat Procurement Policy with regards to own brand products | The meat policy does not contain any own targets but builds upon relevant targets from existing public METRO policies related to sustainable meat sourcing, e.g. soy procurement policy. |
Position on Conscious proteins |
METRO’s approach to Conscious Proteins has three streams:
Ethics and trust
Commitment/Policy/Position | Target |
Policy for Social Compliance with regards to own brand products |
Target: Socially compliant supply chains for all risky own brand producers by 2030. This includes non-food, near-food and food producers of all tiers that bear a risk in their production facilities with regards to potential Human Rights violations. The social compliance can be proven by a valid audit against one of METROs accepted social audit schemes. |
METRO Health and Nutrition Policy with regards to own brand products |
METRO aims to offer to our customers healthier own-brand products globally (common sourced and sourced by country organisations) with less sugar, salt, and fats and/or completely or partially free from additives and/or organic certified and/or alternative protein-based by:
Target until Dec 2023: Offer of 1,500 own-brand products METRO-wide (thereof 150 common and 1,350 locally sourced) with less sugar, salt and saturated fatty acids, completely or partially free from additives and organic certified and/or alternative protein products by end of December 2023 has been achieved. No new corporate target has been developed.
Approach for sourcing of agricultural raw materials with regards to own brands | ./. |
Policy for Sustainable Sourcing with regards to own brands | ./. |
Fish and Seafood Procurement Policy with regards to own brands |
METRO has set itself three fish and seafood targets:
Social: By 2025 METRO aims for 100% of species to be audited or certified against one of the accepted social audits/certifications following the requirements of the METRO Policy for Social Compliance. Currently this is valid only for land-based processing factories as well as land-based and at-sea aquaculture. Regarding at-sea operations METRO will accept any certification standard that has been recognized by the seafood-specific social benchmark tool developed by The Global Sustainable seafood Initiative (GSSI) in collaboration with the Consumer Goods Forum. Traceability: By 2030 all products have to be digitally traceable and have to meet key data elements of the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST) standard. Additionally, the scientific and common names of species as well as the FAO catching area (wild catch) or name of the body of water (inland fishing) or the country of aquaculture have to be visible on products. |
Animal Welfare Position with regards to own brands |
METRO aims to continuously develop our own brand product range, complying with higher animal health and welfare standards and local certification schemes, as well as to increase the transparency through the supply chain, such as livestock origin. |
Position on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) |
METRO is committed to:
The Policy is currently under review. |
Position on Biodiversity | ./. |
Principles of good practice supply chain food (European Supply Chain Initiative) | ./. |
Equity, inclusion and well-being
Development of diverse workforce
Commitment/Policy/Position | Target |
Commitment for equal opportunities at work for all genders |
30% of employees on the 1st and 2nd management level below the Management Board of METRO AG to be women by September 2029. |