Sustainability management

Acitvely managing Sustainability

In line with METRO AG’s strategy, sustainability is systematically and organisationally embedded in the core business. Sustainability management takes into account interdependencies between economic, environmental and social aspects in an efficient, solution-oriented manner. The Management Board of METRO AG is involved in the topics presented here and is regularly updated about their progress by the ESG Peer Group. Moreover, the remuneration of the Management Board is linked to the achievement of certain sustainability targets (including the reduction of CO2 emissions as well as the reduction of food waste) and the remuneration of the senior management is linked to METRO’s sustainability performance.

As the highest sustainability body in the company, the ESG Peer Group provides the strategic framework and group-wide goals and facilitates the exchange of information on sustainability issues at the highest management level. To adequately respond to the specific market and customer requirements, the METRO companies manage the operational implementation of overarching sustainable development goals within this framework. They are responsible for working on the relevant sustainability issues, for defining and implementing specific targets and measures and for monitoring their success.

The ESG Peer Group is chaired by 2 representatives from the top management. Other members are:

  • Representatives of the core functions procurement, quality assurance, supply chain, strategy, accounting, treasury, controlling, group governance & audit, communication as well as energy management/real estate sustainability and food service distribution.

Through formalised reporting and assessment of sustainability-related opportunities and risks, sustainability management is closely linked to our risk and opportunity management system. This enables the Management Board to systematically identify, evaluate and control deviations from the sustainability goals and the associated opportunities and risks.

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